Collaborative Learning
Pengertian Collaborative Learning sumber : “ Collaborative learning” is an umbrella term for a variety of educational approaches involving joint intellectual effort by students, or students and teachers together. Usually, students are working in groups of two or more, mutually searching for understanding, solutions, or meanings, or creating a product. Collaborative learning activities vary widely, but most center on students’ exploration or application of the course material, not simply the teacher’s presentation or explication of it . (Smith & Macgregor, 1992) . Pada pembelajaran kolaboratif pembelajaran bukan teacher centered melainkan bergeser menjadi student centered . Pada collaborative learning proses mengajar, mendengarkan atau mencatat tidak hilang sepenuhnya, namun berjalan beriringan dengan proses diskusi peserta didik selama pembelajaran berlangsung. Menurut Deutch (Feng Chun...